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Showing posts from September, 2023

TV Critic (4)

While it might look like there's a gap, there isn't. Well, there is but I've been doing badge stuff - and sewing. Lots and lots of sewing.  So let's go to Happy Valley. We were late to the party, big time. So late that we only started watching Series 3 in the last month, bingeing it every night we could to check that Catherine Cawood is okay. (we watched Series 1 & 2 at the start of the year) So we had a vaguely fresh look at it all - remembering plotlines and characters easier - this is something I always struggle with and thank authors who do those little character updates at the front of the book so forgetful people like me can cross-reference. When you forget stuff you can really forget it - it has taken until today for me to realise it's only Wednesday, not Thursday, for example - because I started my new blood sugar log book on the wrong date. So I need all the help I can get.  Which brings me to Happy Valley. Having started the series at the start of the