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Film Lover Badge (1)

I think I dismissed this badge as I knew I wouldn't get to the cinema, though DUH. Here we are at home with several streaming services so I think maybe I can do this badge after all? Anyway, if this doesn't apply it can sit in limbo. 

Yesterday my sister and I went to the cinema to see 'The Unlikely Pilgramage of Harold Fry' - a title I was wary of as I knew the general plot. Harold Fry walks most of the country to see his old workmate and friend Queenie who is dying of cancer. With everything I'm going through at the moment I wasn't sure whether it might upset me, fortunately friends reassured me that it's part of the plot (obviously) but doesn't go into any detail. So with that information we went to check it out. 

Harold Fry is a retired pensioner - he gets a letter from his old friend Queenie who lets him know she has terminal cancer. Harold replies straight away - by letter of course, and heads out to post it. At this point he meets someone who inspires him to keep on walking - making the 600 or so miles over 80-something days. 

Along the way Harold is greeted with kindness, people helping him out and offering him somewhere to sleep for the night. He has a large group of people who follow him around, as well as Wilf who joined him on his journey a little earlier. Oh and a dog too.

Harold's thoughts revolve a lot around his son, David. He got into trouble with drink and drugs and eventually kills himself by hanging. You do see this in the film, so one to be aware of. You find out this all happened 25 years ago - and you also see how Harold and his wife Maureen drift apart because of it all. 

It's a very slow-paced movie, one which I enjoyed. Jim Broadbent as Harold, and Penelope Wilton as Maureen were marvellous. Their son David is played by Nick Cave's son Earl - and oh my, he looks so much like his dad from his younger days. 

The movie is about togetherness and how we get by in life, and without saying any spoilers I feel like it's the sort of movie if you wanted something to think about afterwards, this is the sort of film you could consider. 


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