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Community Service

I back dated this one. I've been volunteering with Girlguiding since the teen was five (she's thirteen and a half now) - so I figured I've earned this one.

Girlguiding is fun - it's hard work too. With the head stuff I'm having to take a break, but usually I'm a Brownie and Guide leader helping at two units locally. 

The teen is now building up to her last couple of terms of being a Guide and has decided she wants to be a Young Leader rather than a Ranger too - that'll be interesting. 

With my head issues and memory, I completely forgot I'd ordered and sewn this badge on my blanket, what with it being the first one I earned. Fortunately Charley who runs the Rebel Badge Club was able to swap my badge before my order was dispatched - and now I have a load more badges to work on! 

Community Service is quite a good one, the volunteering can be challenging but it's always rewarding. 


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