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My Brand

This is one I'm still mulling over - what exactly is my brand? I mean, currently you could say "Brain Tumour Person" but that seems a bit blunt and awkward for anyone who might see it. 

"Undecided Me" maybe? As in, I can't decide what my brand actually is. But then that could change and I could become "Decidedly Me" maybe? So probably not the best brand badge. 

Let's have a look at the clauses. The first one is to write a list of 10 words that I'd like other people to use when they describe me. 

Likes her music
Tottenham supporter
York City supporter
Women's Football (ooh maybe could be onto something for this one)

I'm actually struggling now - and I've just had a look and I haven't ordered a My Brand badge yet so I knew this one would be tricky - one to add to the next order I think.

The good thing is I have all the time to complete this so that gives me a lot of time to think about myself.  I can see one of the clauses is a bit of exercise. Oof. 


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